Sherpa Kids Ireland | Before, After School & Holiday Programmes
  • +353 (0) 87 752 7229
  • info@sherpakids.ie

Policies and Procedures – Dublin 5 & 13

Sherpa Kids Dublin 5 and 13 Privacy Notice

  1. Who we are:

We are Primary Creative T/A Sherpa Kids Dublin 5 and 13 of 2 Kilmore Road, Artane, Dublin 5, D05 N5X2. You can contact us at this address by post or by email at Dublin5and13@sherpakids.ie.

Our data protection representative is Sarah – Jane Grange Phone: 086 355 0532.

2.     Why we process your data, the lawful basis for processing your data and who we share it with

  1. For people who view and interact with our website, we process data:
  • to respond to your query when sent through our ‘contact us’ form

The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in the administration and operation of our child care and other services as well as our legitimate interest in marketing and promoting our Company’s services.

We share this data with Microsoft Outlook, an email service provider, Microsoft teams a document management system, Google Docs a document management system, EcceSoft and Aimy Plus franchise management and billing systems and Xero Limited, an accounting software provider. They may only process this data for the purpose of providing us with their services and no other purpose.

We will retain this data for 24 months unless a contractual or other relationship is entered into with the data subject or his or her parents or guardians, in which case the data will be held for the relevant statutory or contractual period or periods.

  1. For parents of children and children who may or are using or services, we process data:
    • in order to market the services of our Company
    • to provide you with updates and newsletters to which may you have subscribed
    • in order to hold and use information necessary for or appropriate to the provision of these services including (though not limited to) child registration forms, booking details, medical and health management records, permission forms, photographs, correspondence, and emergency contact and authorised collector details (including details of third parties)

The legal basis for the processing of this data is that processing necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of the children, their parents and our company in the administration and operation of our child care and other services.

We share this data with Microsoft Outlook, an email service provider, Microsoft Teams a document management system, EcceSoft and Aimy Plus franchise management and billing systems and Xero Limited, an accounting software provider.

They may only process this data for the purpose of providing us with their services and no other purpose.

We will retain this data for 24 months unless a contractual or other relationship is entered into with the data subject or his or her parents or guardians, in which case the data will be held for the relevant statutory or contractual period or periods.

C.    For Sherpa Kids Ireland as Franchisor and Sherpa Kids International Pty Ltd., the Master Franchisor, we process data:

  • In order to liaise with you about our customer matters,
  • In order to provide you with data necessary for or useful in the administration of the Sherpa Kids Franchise of which our company is a Franchisee.

The legal basis for the processing of this data is processing necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company in operating as a Sherpa Kids franchisee.

We share this data with Microsoft Outlook, an email service provider, Microsoft Teams a document management system, EcceSoft and Aimy Plus franchise management and billing systems and Xero Limited, an accounting software provider.

We will retain this data for the relevant statutory or contractual period or periods.

  1. For job applicants to, employees of and volunteers (including trainees and persons on work experience) to the Company, we process data:
    • to recruit new employees
    • to ascertain your suitability for a specific role
    • engage in tax, social welfare and human resources administration and legal affairs in relation an employee’s employment.

The legal basis for this processing is, firstly, that processing necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of our Company and in recruiting new staff and regulating our relationship with our employees and, secondly, that processing is necessary for the purposes of those job applicants’, employees’ and volunteers’ engagements with our company. Please see the privacy notice in the job advertisement or contract of employment for further information about how we process applicant data.

We may share the information you provide in your application with a contracted recruiter in order to make a shortlist of candidates. This recruiter is not permitted to use this data other than on our behalf. We may also send you emails about your application through our email service provider.

We share this data with Microsoft Outlook, an email service provider, Microsoft Teams a document management system, Google Docs, a document management system, EcceSoft and Aimy Plus franchise management and billing systems and Xero Limited, an accounting software provider.

We will retain this data for 24 months unless a contractual or other relationship is entered into with the data subject, in which case the data will be held for the relevant statutory or contractual period or periods.

  1. Government or Statutory bodies, including though not limited to Tusla, Pobal, An Garda Siochana/Garda Vetting, the Revenue Commissioners, Department of Social Welfare, Workplace Relations Commission, Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.

The legal basis for this processing is processing necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of our Company in dealing with the various government and statutory bodies with which companies such as ours must engage in order to operate our business and provide our childcare and other services.

We share this data with Microsoft Outlook, an email service provider, Microsoft Teams a document management system, Google Docs a document management system EcceSoft and Aimy Plus franchise management and billing systems and Xero Limited.

We will retain this data for the relevant statutory or contractual period or periods.

  1. External professionals and service providers such as accountants, lawyers, health and safety consultants, human resources consultants, IT service providers (including Web and Cloud services) and insurance companies and brokers which are necessary for the efficient and proper management of a business providing school age child care.

The legal basis for this processing is processing necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests of our Company in dealing with the various legal, financial and regulatory matters relevant to a company which provides childcare and other services.

We share this data with Microsoft Outlook, an email service provider, Microsoft Teams a document management system, Google Docs a document management system EcceSoft and Aimy Plus franchise management and billing systems and Xero Limited, an accounting software provider.

We will retain this data for the relevant statutory or contractual period or periods.

3.     Transfers of data outside the European Economic Area

We transfer data relating our clients and to our operation of the Sherpa Kids Franchise to Aimy New Zealand Limited and Xero Limited, both located in New Zealand, to Sherpa Kids International Pty Ltd. located in Australia, Coffee Cup Solutions located in UK and to Zoho Corporation Pvt Limited based in India,.

The safeguard that each of those transferees has put in place for these transfers is to enter into European Commission approved standard contractual clauses with the provider and/or ensure the provider’s compliance with the EU/US Privacy Shield Framework.

4.     Information received from third parties and the source of that data

Data is received from web-based recruitment services such as Indeed and Gumtree while data relating to emergency carer contacts and permission for pickups is generally received via parents of children using ours services.

5.     Your rights relating to personal data

You have the following rights under the GDPR, in certain circumstances and subject to certain exemptions, in relation to your personal data:

  • right to access the data – you have the right to request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you, together with other information about our processing of that personal data.
  • right to rectification- you have the right to request that any inaccurate data that is held about you is corrected, or if we have incomplete information you may request that we update the information such that it is complete.
  • right to erasure – you have the right to request us to delete personal data that we hold about you. This is sometimes referred to as the right to be forgotten.
  • right to restriction of processing or to object to processing – you have the right to request that we no longer process your personal data for particular purposes, or to object to our processing of your personal data for particular purposes.
  • . Right to data portability – you have the right to request us to provide you, or a third party, with a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format.

In order to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us at the contact details at the start of this privacy notice.

If we are processing personal data based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time. This does not affect the lawfulness of processing which took place prior to its withdrawal.

If you are unhappy with how we process personal data, we ask you to contact us so that we can rectify the situation.

You may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The Irish supervisory authority is the Data Protection Commission.

6.     Requirement to process personal data

You may browse our website without providing us with any personal data and this will not affect your ability to view our website.

If you do not provide us with your information for the purposes described above, we cannot respond to your queries sent through our contact us form, liaise with you in regard to the provision of our services or in response to your requirements in relation to all of the matters referred to in section 2, above.

7.     Automated decision-making and profiling

We do not use any personal data for the purpose of automated decision-making or profiling.