First day of school checklist

Here’s a checklist of essential items we’ve compiled to help you be super organised on your child’s first day of school.


Have your child’s uniform ironed and laid out ready to go the night before. Given it’s still summer in Term 1, don’t forget their hat and apply their sunscreen in the morning (with another ready to reapply in their backpack).  

Water bottle, healthy snack, recess and lunch

We recommend building your child’s lunchbox the night before and with them! This will give them a chance to have a say in what they’re going to eat on their first day and get them excited. And don’t forget their water bottle – pop it in the fridge the night before so it is nice and cold!


Pre-pack your child’s backpack the night before with everything they need. Show them where everything is and how their new lunch boxes and drink bottles open and close.

First day photo

With all the time you’ve saved getting prepared for their first day, it’s time for the ‘First Day of Big School’ photo! Turn this into a fun tradition that they can look back on when they’re older. You can get creative with a board detailing their age, year level and their favourite things that they can hold in the photo.

A big hug

Steal as many hugs as you can because it won’t be long before they’re running off before you can get one in. A quick word of reassurance as you give that gentle squeeze can really help build their confidence.

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